Most of our physicians are general practitioners and may have areas of interest or specialized services. Enquire at clinic for more information
Dr. Mark Boroditsky – Family Physician
Dr. Chris Fotti -Family Physician
Dr. Marie Ewonchuk – Family Physician
Dr. Maciej Bialy – Family Physician
Dr. Trevor Meredith – Family Physician
Dr. Leslie McNaughton – Family Physician
Dr. Peter Bialy – Family Physician
Dr. Maxwell Burg – Family Physician
Dr. Danny Bisson– Family Physician- **Offering procedures for skin and soft tissue removal, ingrown nail repair, as well as joint and tendon injections. Please have your doctor fax a referral to the clinic at 204-669-5545. Also offering esthetic procedures not covered by Manitoba Health. Please enquire within.
Trina Michalishyn– Registered Dietitian